Please note that this question is only for admin users

  1. Navigate to the LICENSE MANAGEMENT tab in the left menu.
  2. Download the CSV file template located here. 
  3. Populate the template with the user details
  4. Share your CSV file with your IT team 
  5. Wait for your IT team to establish calendar access
  6.  Upload the CSV file to the LICENSE MANAGEMENT tab by clicking on the 'ADD A CSV FILE' button

A critical point to emphasize: Do not upload your CSV to the platform until your IT team has enabled calendar access for the users listed in the document. It's essential to wait for their confirmation before proceeding with the CSV upload. It's crucial that the CSV is not uploaded prematurely.

Calendar access is a one-time process for new users. After that, you can invite them to participate in one, two, or even ten global events without the need to involve your IT team again for calendar access enablement.

To modify a user's role, you'll find user-friendly switches within the License Management table. Here, roles can be effortlessly adjusted between 'Admin' and 'Internal user'.